Do The Feng Shui Fling


Carol M. Olmstead, FSIA

Feng Shui Master Practitioner


On New Year’s Day, I posted this tip on my Feng Shui For Real Life page on Facebook: Do the “Feng Shui Fling.” Take a large plastic trash bag, move quickly through your home, and fling 27 things into the bag. Include things you don’t need, don’t want, or don’t know why you are keeping. Get rid of those empty holiday gift boxes and wrapping, open drawers and cabinets, dig down under the sink, go through your closets and cabinets. Don’t analyze, don’t hesitate…just fling. Then take the bag right out to the trash before you change your mind.


Why do you need to fling 27 things into the bag? Three is an especially auspicious number in Feng Shui, and because the number 27 includes multiple sets of three, your Feng Shui Fling will be especially prosperous. Do the Feng Shui Fling on New Year’s Day, and once a week this month, then stand back to enjoy the good things that flow into the open spaces you have created.


Do I practice what I preach? Last year, my big New Year’s Day “flinging” project was the garage. As it is for many people, my garage occupies the Helpful People area of the bagua. Helpful People is located in the lower right hand corner of your home, and this is the area that relates to your clients, mentors, and travel plans, and in general is important for attracting people who will support you as you move toward your life goals. But how many of us can say we keep this Area clutter-free on a daily basis?


The big garage clean out took a lot of trash bags set up for recycling, donations, and just plain trash, but by the end of the day the garage was clean, open, and beautiful, with ample open and clear space to allow new energy to flow throughout this critically important area. The added benefit was that the garage could comfortably fit both cars.


The Feng Shui result? In the first week of that year, my book, the Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office went international when I received an unexpected large order of books from an international library service. That same week I was contracted to work for two new clients. Was it cause and effect or simply coincidence? I invite you to clean out your garage, or any other space that’s a clutter magnet in your house, and see for yourself. And to keep your good chi energy flowing throughout the year, it’s a good Feng Shui practice to schedule a clearing project not only on the first day of the year, but on the first day of every month.


For New Year’s Day 2013, my clutter-clearing project was my office closet. What will happen as a result this year? Stay tuned, I’ll post results in a future article.


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Carol OlmsteadCarol M. Olmstead, FSIA, is a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, author, and speaker who has taught thousands of clients, students, and readers the simple secrets of using Feng Shui to improve their lives. For more than 15 years, Carol has practiced a contemporary version of Feng Shui that honors the essence of its Chinese heritage, but focuses on the practical applications for our culture today. She works with clients nationally and internationally, both on-site and by remote consultation. Carol is author of two books, the 365 Feng Shui Secrets e-book, and the award-winning Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office – Secrets For Attracting Wealth, Harmony, and Love, available at and the Feng Shui Emporium.

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January 20, 2013 |

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